It’s a typical mistake to cook rice by adding just water: Permit me to impart to you the restaurant industry’s best-kept secret for improving flavor

How-To: Simmer water with herbs like rosemary, thyme, or bay leaves before adding rice.

Benefits: Offers a fresh, aromatic quality to the rice, enhancing its natural flavors without overwhelming them.

Cooking Process for Perfectly Flavored Rice:

Rinse Your Rice: Always start by rinsing your rice under cold water to remove excess starch and prevent stickiness.

Boil Your Liquid: Bring your chosen liquid (broth, coconut milk, or herb-infused water) to a boil before adding the rice. This step ensures the rice absorbs all the flavors from the beginning.

Simmer and Cook: Once you’ve added the rice, reduce the heat to allow it to simmer gently. Cook until the liquid is absorbed and the rice is tender.

Rest and Fluff: Let the rice sit off the heat for a few minutes, then fluff with a fork. This ensures each grain is separate and not clumpy.

Tips for Perfect Rice Every Time:

Liquid to Rice Ratio: This can vary slightly depending on the rice type, but a general guideline is 2 cups of liquid to 1 cup of rice. Adjust as needed for your preferred texture.


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