Home invaded by cockroaches and cockroaches, how to clean the floor to eliminate them immediately

Cockroaches thrive in warm and humid conditions, making your home an ideal habitat during spring and summer. They’re particularly active during these seasons, seeking food and shelter. Commonly found in areas like garbage bins or emerging from drains, these pests can be challenging to keep out.

Effective and Natural Cockroach Repellent: Vinegar Solution
Our proposed solution is a vinegar-based repellent that is incredibly effective against cockroaches. The beauty of this repellent lies in its simplicity and the use of natural ingredients, which are safe for your family and the environment.

How to Prepare the Vinegar Repellent

Find a bottle of vinegar in your pantry.
Mix a few tablespoons of vinegar with water in a container.
Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a pleasant scent.
Optionally, include a few drops of natural floor cleaner for extra cleaning power.

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