Cleans the drain better than a machine. The stench disappears

100 ml of vinegar
Sodium bicarbonate
Watch the following video to clean the canal drain from: Clean Master

To begin, mix the dish detergent, salt and vinegar in a container until you obtain a homogeneous mass.
Pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda down the drain.
Then, pour the prepared mixture over the baking soda in the drain.
Next, let the mixture sit in the drain for 20-30 minutes.
After that time, close the drain hole and let a large amount of water run through.
Ready! Now your drain will be clean and without those unpleasant odors that bothered you so much.

A simple and effective solution to keep your kitchen fresh and clean!

Use fresh baking soda: Make sure the baking soda you use is fresh for best results. Fresh baking soda is more effective at eliminating unpleasant odors.

Let the mixture sit long enough: Allowing the mixture of detergent, salt and vinegar to work in the drain for at least 20-30 minutes will ensure a deeper and more effective clean.

Clean regularly: To prevent unpleasant odors from returning, consider cleaning the drain with this mixture at least once a week or as often as necessary depending on use.

Keep the drain clear:

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