The Toothpaste Formula to Keep Cockroaches Away Forever

Despite your many attempts to remove them, you often find cockroaches in cracks, cabinets, under the sink, near the refrigerator, garbage cans, or even appliances. Cockroaches and cockroaches tend to invade our homes and spread into our kitchens and strategic places in the house in search of food scraps. In this article, learn how to use toothpaste as a cockroach repellent.

Cockroaches are among the most annoying pests in a home. These crawling and/or flying insects enter the house and hide in many corners of the house. Preferring warm and humid places, these creatures tend to appear in the summer and send signals through their pheromones to invite their loved ones to join them. Thus, a heavy infestation can occur and resist our extermination attempts.

Although some people opt for smoke bombs or other chemical-based insecticides, there are a few simple, eco-friendly, and inexpensive tricks to prevent insect infestation in the home. To help you get rid of cockroaches, here is a recipe for an insecticide that is effective against these pests.


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